We have been very busy with all the changes that have been happening. It seems every day Daniel loses a few more tubes or wires or hoses. It was so good to hear the comments of so many medical staff as to how well Daniel was doing. Daniel moved out of ICU just 4 days post transplant. Wow!! The most amazing thing is seeing him breathing without oxygen.
Yesterday was a bit of a tough start. The epidural came out and a new way for pain management was required. Daniel also had another chest tube pulled out. This was an incredibly painful procedure and watching this process was difficult. This and the lack of pain control took a lot out of him yesterday. And yet he did a walk with physio!!
Today was a calmer day with lots of walks, talking and relaxing. Today a PICC line replaced the large IV in his jugular.
So the road of healing is still ahead. It will take determination, courage, patience and lots of hard work. Daniel will continue to need encouragement and support. They are hoping to transport him back to Winnipeg sometime next week.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support. It takes all of the people who surround each one of us to keep us going and positive as healing continues.