A very long, tiring and exciting day. Tym and I arrived in Edmonton last night around supper time. Don, Laura's Dad picked us up. It was so good to see Daniel. It was an emotional time of talking, praying, being together to journey together with Daniel and Laura as we helped Daniel prepare for transplant. We all took turns being with Daniel and sleeping for short periods of time. By 3:45 we had all gathered to see Daniel off, pray with him and just be with him. Walking in the room I noticed that his oxygen prongs had been tossed onto the floor and he was using the mask in preparation for surgery. No love lost on losing the hose attached to him for so long now. (Wish I had a picture of that). Then we all walked down to the operating room with Daniel.
Daniel was in the ICU earlier than we expected. The doctor was pleased with the surgery and happy with the way the lungs were working. So Daniel was breathing on his own with some help from the ventilator. Not easy yet as there is still a lot of pain and the tube is still down his throat but he is breathing!!
And so we have all been keeping vigil today today. Some of us nearby and some of you from a distance. So good to have Bridgette and John arrive just around noon. Felt good to have all of us together (Sherilyn and Graham we missed you).
Today as a mother, I was reminded of the lyrics of this song:

Keeping Vigil by Jim Croegaert
In a hall outside a hospital room A mother looks through the window to Her baby’s face and takes her place Keeping vigil In this dark and unenlightened hour Separated by the medical power She reaches in and touches skin Keeping vigil
And a candle burns with a flame of love And a strength unlike any other It may not prevail in the moment but When all’s said and done It’s a lover’s world
Broken pictures on the living room floor Laboured breathing sounds of war A body’s wracked under attack Keeping vigil Working puzzles in a parental mind Keeping vigil..
We have journeyed long and hard with our precious son. Yet always keeping vigil. And what a gift to be surrounded by so many family friends, community who have walked with us, cared for us and loved us. We are truly grateful.
These next few days and weeks we will continue to keep vigil, through unexpected twists and turns as that is what happens with illness. It will be difficult to see Daniel struggle with pain, discomfort and challenges that accompany healing. And yet, we will walk. Living in the moments, with courage and hope.
Thank you for all your care and support. We are truly grateful.