It's been an unbelievable two weeks, culminating in the last few days here in Edmonton. Yesterday, Daniel had three tests in the morning, beginning at 8:30am and ending at 2:00pm. Although it was tiring, it was good to get all of the tests done so that the liver team could make a decision whether he needed a liver transplant or not. Well, we heard this morning and Daniel does not need a liver. The lung transplant team has no other qualms about doing a transplant on him and he is now listed for a double lung transplant!

We honestly cannot believe it after the last few weeks and even months that we've had. Everything was building towards a no, and that's what we heard last Monday. To have it turn around so quickly has been amazing and more than a little exhausting. Today is also our two and a half year anniversary. I know it sounds a little silly to celebrate, but we're now closer to five years married than our wedding day. And up until late last week, it seemed very unlikely that we'd make it to five years. All the hopes and dreams that we had as a couple seemed hollow in the shadow of the no we were expecting and then received. But we've been rendered speechless again and again over the last week and a half.
And now we wait. The doctors don't think it will be too long, maybe a month, maybe two, but nothing compared to the wait we've had. It's also time to take a moment to pause and remember that while we wait for the best news, somewhere close by, someone has to receive the worst news. All I can do is thank them for choosing to be an organ donor and giving us the possibility for a healthy life.
Thank you for riding this roller coaster with us over the last few weeks in particular. If they give us any indication, news can come very quickly and unexpectedly. We're so grateful for all of your support and we can't say enough to thank you.