Well, this hasn't been the Monday we were expecting. After spending the afternoon and evening at the hospital, I'm home, but Daniel's still there, waiting for them to find him a room. Here we go again. I don't even know how I'm feeling at this point. Our third time in four months with Daniel admitted to the hospital. Our new normal. A part of me knew this was coming, could feel it somewhere. I've felt it since Christmas, like something has shifted. The last few weeks have been hard, with a cold and withdrawal and the beginnings of another infection. It was 1:30, instead of going to an appointment, he went to the hospital having difficulty talking, let alone walking. My new workplace is learning very early on what my normal looks like. Hopefully the hospital will bring us some answers, some relief, a place to replenish Daniel's health.

I'm tired, we're both tired. But, we're grateful for what we have, with our family, our friends, with each other. We'll keep you updated as we get more news during this hospital stay, hopefully Daniel won't be stuck there long.