Hello and Merry Christmas!
It's been a while since my last update because, to both our relief and frustration, things have slowed down. Daniel has been out of the hospital for almost three weeks now and I've been off work as well. We've slowly been putting pieces together for Toronto (more on that in minute) and waiting to get more of an idea of what 2017 will look like for us. We were hoping to meet with Toronto a few weeks ago over a teleconference call, but that didn't happen until this morning. We went in not expecting any big news, and we didn't get any. It was pretty much what we expected, with a little bit more information, but it was a good meeting nonetheless. In the hour long call, we went through things that it took Winnipeg and Edmonton's teams about three - four months to cover. We left the call feeling slightly encouraged, with things to work on and feeling like we had made a good start.

Now, to Toronto. The assessment is the next step for us, and they will want Daniel and me to fly down for that. We're pushing for it to be soon, but have been told that it can normally be a three month wait until we get down for the assessment. After the assessment, we will come back and wait for their final decision. If the transplant is a go, we then move out to Toronto. We have been offered an apartment inside Toronto, rent-free, which is amazing! A spacious two-bedroom apartment not far from downtown Toronto will allow us to have a base while we wait and for family and friends to visit us when needed. It's also in-between Barrie and Hamilton, which are the two cities nearby that we have family and community. We can maybe take weekend trips out to them and have some of them come to visit us semi-regularly. The only thing is, we can't take Claudia Jean with us to the apartment. We're going to put out some feelers and see if we can find family or friends in either Barrie or Hamilton or nearby to look after her so we can at least visit her. So, we're getting some big pieces in place. We're still figuring out our apartment here in Winnipeg and what life will look like job-wise for me during all of this waiting and uncertainty. I've recently had a job offer I would love to accept, but have to figure out if I'm able to given our circumstances.
So, for now, we wait. It's been a tough couple of months, and will continue to be. It's been tough for me to get excited over Christmas or my birthday the last couple of years and this year I'm finding it even harder. But, we'll get to celebrate Christmas together with our families and I have a good group of friends that will help me celebrate my birthday. We also want to send our love and ask you to do the same for families who do have to spend their holidays in the hospital. Daniel's grandfather was admitted last week and is still having difficulties, and I have friends with children who have spent their falls in and out of hospital and are desperately hoping for healing. Thank you for walking alongside us through our dark days and I wish everyone can find joy in the hope for a better tomorrow and peace in the love that surrounds us. Let's look to the stars in the darkness and remember that the light is winning.