Today is a good day - Daniel comes home! It's been three long weeks since he got admitted with lots of bad news along the way. But he's feeling better and is stable enough to come home! It will be nice to have him home as we prepare for the next part of our journey.
Now, it's time to plan and prepare. We met with his transplant team again yesterday and we're moving forward with Toronto. We'll have a telehealth meeting with them sometime next week and go from there. Here's what the next few steps will look like. After the telehealth, we'll probably be given dates for consults with the teams in Toronto. That means we'll fly down for a week of appointments and meetings in Toronto. Then, we'll fly home while we wait for their final decision, which usually takes about a week. Once they make their decision to list Daniel for what we assume will be a liver-lung transplant, we will have to fly back down to Ontario and begin the wait there. We're really hoping that we won't have to wait long for the transplant, because honestly, we can't wait that long, but there's no way to know. We're looking at staying in Ontario for an indefinite amount of time. So much different than if we were still looking at Edmonton.

We've already had a number of our friends and family in Ontario contact us telling us that you want to help us in any way you can. Thank you!! We're still figuring everything out, but seeing a community form down there already is a huge comfort to us. We will be in contact with many of you as we make the move and start our wait down there.
This indefinite move also makes finances more difficult to plan. I'm on a leave now with a reduced income and we'll still have monthly expenses here in Winnipeg that will need to be covered. Our main priority is making sure that we can keep our condo. We're renting right now, but we cannot imagine not having our condo to come home to and we're looking into ways to secure it. In the meantime, if anyone knows someone looking to casually rent for a while, let us know! We'll still try to cover part of the costs and it's a beautiful place to live. Claudia Jean is also part of our concern as we probably won't be able to take her with us. We have a few friends in mind that we'll approach in the next few days to see if they are willing to take her. We hate to ask more of our friends and family when you have already done so much, but the added financial and emotional pressures of moving to Ontario indefinitely are not something we can handle on our own.
Finally, we just want to thank you all for everything you have done for us. The amount of love we have received, through words of encouragement, donations, meals and visits is more than we could ever have hoped for. You are all the reason that we are able to keep fighting in the face of greater risks and greater costs. We'll keep you updated as we meet with the teams again next week and get dates for our first visit to Toronto.
All of our love,