This will be a short one, but we just wanted to keep everyone updated. After nine days in the hospital, Daniel is home! After an intense course of antibiotics and pain medication, he is infection free and able to manage his pain a lot better than he was a week ago. Also, while he was in the hospital, they were able to do the liver biopsy he needed, rather than waiting another month or more to do it otherwise! We're very happy to be home together again, and Claudia Jean is happy to have an extra person around to pay attention to her again! It's been a long week, hospital weeks always are, and we're looking forward to a lazy weekend together before getting back into our normal routine (which means it's back to homework and resume writing for me). It has been lovely having a little kitten to come home to every evening, even though she missed Daniel almost as much as I did this week and sure made it known!

Thank you to everyone who helped out this week: My dad who took Daniel to the hospital last Friday and told me when I needed to be there, both my parents for bringing us a meal. Daniel's mom, Marilyn, who brought us meals and graciously cleaned our apartment for us last weekend. Daniel's dad for bringing us meals and bringing Thanksgiving to us last weekend. Bridgette and John for helping make lasagna for Thanksgiving at the hospital and visiting Claudia Jean for us one day this week to make sure she didn't get too lonely. Wanda, who brought Daniel lunch, and everyone else who sent us words of love and encouragement this week. This has been our fourth hospital stay since we've been married, and we couldn't make it through without all of your support. There will be more weeks like this one coming up, but we know we can make it through because of the amazing community we have around us.
Happy Weekend!